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We can all agree that it is important to say nice things or positive affirmations to yourself. Looking yourself in the mirror and reminding yourself of the amazing person you are can be life-giving in so many ways.

Life as an entrepreneur and full-time mother can be challenging. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, behind or exhausted. Well, here are some of our top affirmations for mompreneurs to help keep you motivated and confident.

How to Use Mompreneur Affirmations

Affirmations can be written, spoken, sung, or shouted on the rooftop. Whatever works for you. We encourage you to use entrepreneur affirmations every day in a variety of ways.

Here are some practices that I enjoy:

  1. Read your favorite affirmations out loud every morning. To make this an easy habit, attach it to something you already do every morning. For example, you can say them as you prepare your coffee.

  2. Write one on your bathroom mirror with a whiteboard marker. Change it up each week with something new.

  3. Put a daily affirmation in your journal or day planner.

  4. Add affirmation reminders to your phone and calendar (there are apps for this too).

  5. Put affirmations on your laptop screensaver or the background image of your phone.

These are just some ideas. You’ll come up with your own ways of using affirmations that help you stay motivated.

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Keep these handy when you’re feeling a lack of motivation or feel like success is far away. These are nice reminders that you can bring about change with a better attitude – and more fun!