Become a MOTHERboard Society Chapter Co-President
Are you a natural leader? Want to share your passion for working mothers with others? Consider starting a new MS Chapter or become a Chapter Co-Presidents for an existing group!
Building a new community takes hard work, passion, dedication, and commitment. MOTHERboard Society™ looks for Chapter Co-Presidents who possess these virtues, as well as leadership and organizational skills. Not everyone can be a Co-Presidents. We are looking for energetic, passionate leaders who are willing to bring change and support to their area! If you feel you are a good candidate for leadership, read on!
MOTHERboard Society™ is currently accepting applications from proactive, passionate, and diligent self-starting mothers. Chapter Co-Presidents will be responsible for planning monthly events, attending monthly organization meetings, and acting as the point of contact for their respective Chapter, along with the Chapters’ other Co-President. Our co-presidents are passionate, dedicated, and committed to fostering a community of mothers who are interested in real-life connections with like-minded people.
Co- President Position Overview
Chapter Co-Presidents provide general oversight and strategic leadership of their Chapter. Chapter Co-Presidents advise Chapter members and work closely with the MOTHERboard Society™ leadership team and committees to ensure that the goals and needs of the chapter members are met and provide communication to headquarters from the local Chapter. The Co-President position is a volunteer role with incentives for different milestones.
The Chapter Co-President serves as one of the chief officers of the Chapter, presiding at all meetings of the general membership while providing leadership and direction to get the best participation from all members and committees. The Co-Presidents will work to set the plans for the year's activities, including networking events, city initiatives, learning opportunities, exciting mommy and me events, and more—along with organizing the Chapter's efforts by implementing the goals and delegating the duties as outlined by Headquarters in official communications.
Please note: This is a voluntary position. Those who are selected for this role will be exempt from paying membership dues.
Must be in good standing with the organization and is a working mom.
Understand that this is a one-two year commitment and is volunteer-based
A Chapter Co-President must be in good standing with the organization and is a working mom.
Ideally, a Chapter Co-President is a strategic thinker with vision, excellent communication skills, socially well-adjusted and self-aware, involved in the community, a self-starter, and naturally aligns with the MOTHERboard Society's™ brand and mission.
Our ideal candidate is proactive, organized, collaborative, outgoing, and dedicated to the betterment of career-driven mothers everywhere.
MOTHERboard Society's™ President Objectives
Co-Presidents are communicative and responsive.
The Co-President responds to emails and requests from Headquarters and members promptly (within 48 hours).
The Co-President shares all relevant Club info with Chapter members and actively engages them.
The Co-President takes direction and follows procedures and protocols as outlined by Co-President Handbook and communications from Headquarters.
The Co-President hosts events that align with the MOTHERboard Society’s™ brand and mission and provides photos for these events.
The President hosts at least two community service events each year.
The Co-President displays behavior that aligns with the mission and brand of MOTHERboard Society™. This includes interaction with members, other Co-Presidents, Headquarters, and interactions/behavior on social media. This also includes how Co-Presidents show up to international events exhibiting (appropriate dress), demeanor, and engagement.
The Co-President actively promotes MOTHERboard Society™ events and initiatives and recruits members for their Chapter via social media, email blasts, and other forms of communication/networks.
Co-President Perks
Average commitment is only 5-8 hours a week
Gain Leadership experience
Always have the title of being the founding co-president
Be known as a leader in your community
Great build to your resume
Access to amazing women in the chapter
Give back to the community
Free training and exclusive opportunities
Ability to be featured on our social media and newsletter as Co-President of the month or chapter of the month
Co-president retreats (in near future)
Exempt from paying membership dues while in office
Be the change you want to be in the world
Please note: This is a voluntary position. Those who are selected for this role will be exempt from paying membership dues.
MOTHERboard Society™ is currently accepting applications from proactive, passionate, and diligent self-starters. Is that you? Apply below!