Corporate Membership Program


Corporate membership allows MOTHERboard Society to involve a corporation — or any business, nonprofit, or government entity — in it’s program by offering an alternative membership package to some of its employees. Having corporate members increases the club’s membership while expanding its network and visibility in the community. Members gain access to the exclusive perks and service opportunities of MBS Chapter with the possibility of meeting some great members!


Corporate membership involves an agreement with a business, which then pays for or subsidizes the dues for employees who have this kind of membership. Remember that the corporation itself cannot be a club member — only people can be members of a MBS. The club offers corporate membership to individuals based on their employment at a corporation or other entity.

Appendix 1, Corporate Membership: Making the Offer, can help you present the opportunity to business leaders in your community. Two examples of how clubs can implement corporate membership are shown below. Refer to the Sample Corporate Membership Bylaws in appendix 2 to see how each of these models can be documented in your club bylaws. Your club can use one of these models or adapt them to fit your club and community’s needs

Apply to MOTHERboard Society’s Corporate Membership Program