Member Agreement

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As an active member of MOTHERboard Society™, I will continuously conduct myself with integrity and honesty. I vow to uphold MOTHERboard Society’s™ mission of the empowerment of working moms. I will keep a positive attitude and adhere to high standards culturally, intellectually, and morally. I understand that public and private behaviors should reflect the values and principles supported by MOTHERboard Society™.

I understand that MOTHERboard Society™ is dedicated to creating a safe space, respecting differing opinions, and honors encouragement and transparency.

Private and sensitive information learned about other members in MOTHERboard Society’s™ affiliated meetings will remain confidential.

To remain an active member of my chapter, I must pay my annual dues and adhere to MOTHERboard Society™ Decorum and protocol as outlined by the Founder and Chapter Presidents. 

The more I put into MOTHERboard Society™, the more I will receive. Full participation is encouraged. I will strive to attend regular meetings and events, invite visitors, and bring referrals to the group.

I understand that agreeing to everything listed above guarantees that I will remain a member in good standing. I am dedicated to the growth, betterment, and evolution of what it means to be a career-driven woman in motherhood.