Woohoo Danielle Melton, we found you a partner!

She’s called Noreen Okarter and you can find out more about her below…

Next steps to take


The best way to get in touch with your partner is to email her:

 Her email address is: noreen@foodsitch.com

If she’s not already emailed you, then email her and introduce yourself. Let her know that you’re her accountability partner through the Female Entrepreneur Association and you’re excited to get to know her and chat!

To help you make the most of your accountability partner we’ve created some useful resources for you.


To help you make the most of your accountability partner
we’ve created some useful resources for you.

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How to introduce yourself to your partner

The best thing to do is to send your partner an email, if she hasn’t emailed you already. Let her know that you’re her accountability partner from the FEA Members’ Club and that you’re really excited to connect with her.

Here’s an example email you could send:

Hi [insert name],

I’m your accountability partner from the FEA Members’ Club. It’s so lovely to connect with you :)

I’m from [insert country/city] and my business is [insert business name]. I’ve been building it for [insert length of time].

I would love to setup a time for us to chat! These are some dates and times that work for me: [insert dates/times - makes sure you include time zone].

Do any of those work for you?
Looking forward to getting to know you!

[Sign off how you would normally]

Tips for when to chat, how to structure your calls and how to help each other

The idea of having an accountability partner is so you can connect with a like-minded female entrepreneur and support each other… you might even become really good friends too (it happens a lot!).

As entrepreneurs we can often feel alone and like we’re the only ones going through the challenges we face, but it’s not true. We all face ups and downs and when you can chat with someone who gets it, it can be so helpful.

So see your accountability partner as someone you can get to know, open up with and chat to about the crazy entrepreneurial journey.

The call together is definitely not an opportunity to promote/pitch - it’s about building a genuine relationship with someone and supporting each other.

So here are our tips for having an amazing call:

1. Book in the call: Decide what dates and times work best for you to chat. One of you will need to take the lead with this, don’t be afraid for it to be you.
2. Prepare: Once you’ve got your call booked in, have a think about what you’d love to chat with your partner about. Write down any challenges you want to talk through or any questions you have. You’re never going to know how the calls going to go, but it’s good to be prepared. Also think about how you’ll introduce yourself and what ways you could help her.
3. On the call: Start off by just getting to know each other, share what you both do and where you’re from, see if you have some things in common and then start talking more about business. What your businesses are about, any challenges you’re facing and any questions you have. You might find it easier to take turns, so you both get a chance to focus on your own business.
4. Stay open-minded: It’s important to remain open-minded no matter who ends up on the call with you. You might feel like you have nothing in common and don’t get on at all and maybe by the end you’ll realise that you truly don’t, but that’s ok - not everyone is going to hit it off right away. The most important thing is that you show up being your best self and be as helpful as you can. If you have a call that’s not the best, don’t let it put you off. There are thousands of members and I guarantee there are lots that you would it it off with and become great friends with, so keep going with it.

Ultimately, just try to have fun and enjoy connect with another incredible woman who, like you, has the courage to follow her dreams and build a business. You’re two amazing humans and so just enjoy it!

Worksheet to fill out during the call

We’ve prepared a worksheet to help you make the most of your conversation. It’ll help you focus in on your goal for the month, what you want to achieve and when you want to achieve it by so you can help each other stay on track with your vision! Click here to download your worksheet.