Meet our Co-Presidents
—Kenyelle Williams
Kenyelle grew up in Tulsa, OK - Graduated w/B.S. in Elementary Education from Langston University - Graduated from Southern Nazarene University w/M.A. in Educational Leadership. She serves as an Assistant Principal in MidDel Public Schools. Kenyelle gave love another chance after a painful divorce, and is now married to an amazing man who she loves doing life with. Kenyelle and her husband has 5 children—the two she birthed, Shianne (17), Josiah (7), and three bonus, Paetyn (15), Paige (14), Carlos Jr. (11). Kenyelle is a lover of coffee, dining with friends & family, and roller skating and have been watching The Young and the Restless for over 30 years which is her mindless getaway (do not interrupt Mommy time). Her favorite quote is “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.”
—Tricia Daniel
Tricia was born and raised in Oklahoma City, and is a mom of two boys Mason & Dane. Her oldest son is her inspiration through his beautiful autistic mind and her youngest is her strength as she watch him excel athletically in several sports. However, Tricia’s family will be growing to 6 sons when she marry her fiancé, Adrian who has 4 boys. Together they enjoy taking all the boys to the lake and playing lots of chess.
With an MBA and 24 years experience in public accounting and as a corporate Financial Controller, Tricia have a passion for using her experience to help provide clarity to understanding the meaning behind numbers. As Tricia was a single mom who has started over twice financially, a woman who has overcome debt, and an executive who has experienced layoff, she have learned how to use her professional financial experience to calm money overwhelm through developing a method she share at speaking engagements. Seeing the need for community for women feeling isolated & lost about money, Tricia founded the Starting Over Wealth Network in 2021. S.O.W.N provides women starting over after divorce or death of a spouse a Podcast & financial literacy tools to help them rediscover their money identity and replant themselves into rich soil to thrive financially.
For fun, Tricia is an obsessed Star Wars fan and repeat ‘foster fail’ rescue dog mom. Her favorite quote is “Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” ~ Napoleon Hill