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MOTHERboard Society is the private social and professional network for mothers who are growing careers and families. The digital community is designed to propel high-achieving women forward by providing connection, advice and mentorship to moms juggling it all. With an audience of over 13,ooo and 50% of them being small business owners, MOTHERboard Society mothers are going places, and they're not going there alone. To power our mission, we align ourselves with like-minded brands that value our audience and are looking for compelling ways to tell their story. Specifically, we focus on creating integrated content, impactful social campaigns, enriching digital events, influencer and ambassador activations, and market research. Successful brand partners will be those who are excited about our mission and are looking for a customized, thoughtful approach to reaching a very discerning, highly educated woman that is not just a leader with her own social circles, she’s a key tastemaker.