About Our Local Chapters
MOTHERboard Society’s Chapters are created to connect other goal-getting mothers who are enthusiastic and committed to supporting each other personally and professionally through monthly connections and events, community outreach and initiatives, exclusive webinars, masterclasses, and more—all to bring like-minded mothers together and connect.
Find a local MOTHERboard Society™ Chapter in your area to connect with other goal-getter mothers! Every local chapter of the MOTHERboard Society™ holds monthly meetings and programming to bring like-minded mothers together to discuss issues of interest, and connect.
Many Chapters welcome local professionals as guest speakers and may offer additional activities, such as playgroups, mom’s nights out, book clubs, and more. We encourage our members to become actively involved in their chapters to help build their communities and help them thrive.
We’re in the process of accepting new members and new chapters. Get to know more about our Chapters below.
Chapter not listed? Let us add a chapter in your city HERE