Mompreneurs Resources

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FedEx Grant Contest

FedEx is giving you the chance to win $50,000 to help you continue growing your business. Enter the 9th annual FedEx Small Business Grant Contest today.

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The 13 Best Productivity Podcasts to Get Things Done

If you’re searching for the best productivity podcasts to help you get things done, this post is for you.

These 13 podcasts teach you how to become organized and appropriately manage your time and resources to get the results you want.

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15 Desk Items To Increase Productivity Now

Where do you spend most of your time working? If you’re anything like me, you do most of your work at your desk. Which is why it is so important to be at your peak productivity levels when you’re working on your desk. So, I’ll be sharing with you today desk items to increase productivity!

I’ve found that having certain items on my desk whilst working has really boosted my productivity and overall work ethic.

Hence, I want to share with you how you can as well with these simple items that you might even have around without realizing their benefits.